Ever dreamed of turning your handmade passion into profit?

Let’s make it happen!

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Make & Market

Personalized guidance to empower your handmade businesses.

Hey there! I'm Ching, a handmade business consultant and I help people like you turn their love for handmade creations into thriving businesses.

You know that feeling - you're passionate about your craft, but the thought of starting your very own small business can be overwhelming, especially without the know-how. You're not alone! That's where I come in.

I offer personalized guidance that equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to bridge the gap between hobby and handmade business success.

Woman Making Jewelry
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Modern Bold Swiss Elements Red Floral Shape
Close-up View of Woman Crocheting

Imagine the joy of sharing your creations with the world and building a profitable business around your passion. Let's make it a reality!

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Smiley Face
Person Sewing White Sewing Machine

No business experience? No worries! I'll guide you through everything, step by step, so you can launch with confidence.

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Thumbs Up Outline
Woman Using Clay to Form Craft Products

Finding the perfect balance between expressing your creativity and running a profitable business is key. I'll help you find your unique groove, where both aspects can thrive.

Whether you need help with branding, pricing, marketing, photography or anything in between, I'll tailor my guide to your specific needs and goals. I'm here to empower you every step of the way.


Because I was once in your shoes too, and turned my passion into a profitable small business.

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Woman Working on the Desk

No pressure, no long-term commitment.

You only pay for the sessions you need, so you can take things at your own pace.

Ready to bring your dream business to life? Let's chat! Schedule a consultation today.

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Smiley Face
Person Embroidering

How Does This Work?

1. Share your goals! Fill out this form so I can understand your specific aspirations and see how I can best support you. This ensures our call focuses solely on addressing your unique needs.

2. Schedule your session. Once you submit the form, I'll get back to you within 24 hours with available times for our consultation. To secure your booking, a payment of RM190 will be required. Additionally, if based on your request, it appears I'm not the best fit, I'll let you know and there will be no charge.

3. Get ready to connect! The session will be conducted online via video or voice call, whichever you prefer. Remember, the session is tailored to you, providing consulting guidance, and actionable steps are yours to implement. After the session, you'll receive notes and slides to revisit and put your learnings into practice.

4. Ready to book? Sessions can be booked whenever you need a boost on your handmade business journey. Simply fill out the form and let's connect!

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Young Woman Making Homemade Scented Candles

How to start a successful handmade business? My #1 advice is this:

Avoid costly mistakes from the start!

Download your FREE guide and build your thriving handmade business:

Top 5 Mistakes Handmade Businesses Make (and How to Avoid Them)!

About Me:

Your handmade business consultant

Hello! I'm Ching, a passionate handmade business consultant who supports your journey from hobby to thriving business. My journey started in my teens when I first learned to sew. I always thought sewing would just be a hobby, but in 2010, I took the leap – leaving my job to sell handmade crafts online and eventually build a brand featured in Elle, TimeOut, British Vogue, StarBiz and more.

In 2015, I discovered the joy of teaching sewing, and in 2017, co-founded a sewing class studio. Seeing my students thrive ignited a new passion: to help you navigate the handmade business journey.

I've faced every challenge, from the initial plunge, to figuring out pricing strategies for handmade crafters. I believe that with the right guidance, you can overcome these hurdles. If you want to grow your craft business, I'm here to share my experience and equip you with the tools to turn your passion into profit.

Let's connect and build your dream together!